Bhaskar Vyas (India)
Ancient Indian Scriptures and modern hypnosis
Hypnosis is a naturally occurring altered state of consciousness. Therefore, it is a fundamental attribute of mankind. There can be no wonder that the state was known to Indian sages from antiquity. Indian scriptures abound in numbers. There are four Vedas. The wisdom in them encompass from Cosmogenesis to psychology and medicine. The volume of literature further expands when Buddhist and Jain philosophical scriptures are included.
It is axiomatic in Classical Indian philosophy to consider mind as Sixth Sense Organ. Mind is the slayer of the reality: and it can therefore be a healer. Strategic slaying of the slayer in hypnosis will restore clear perception. Founder author of Ayurveda, Charak (300-500 B.C.) postulated a master hypothesis for pathogenesis that is all encompassing, in the faulty functioning of the pragyna (roughly translates as discriminative wisdom) as praygnaparadh jayte sarva rogan.
We shall expound only a few scriptures: Rig Veda, Atharva Veda (around 400 B.C.), Patanjali Yoga Sutra (400 B.C.) and Bhagwat Geeta (2500 B.C.). Rig Veda expounds the energy as the first principle governing the living systems, environment and the universe. Patanjali’s treatise is a road map to meditation and, hypnotic skills that are generated automatically. Bhagwat Geeta is probably the first book on psychotherapy.
The workshop will reveal how the philosophical precepts lead to numerous strategies for hypnotherapy e.g. the diminution of ego so as to consider self as an instrument rather than an actor. Herein lays a distinct difference from Freudian construct of ego (and subsequent ramifications by Carl Jung, Eric Fromm et al) as the driving force. On the other hand the exposition in all the three Indian traditions is multidimensional .So one can subscribe to client’s sensibilities, e.g. Aswaghosh asserts on positive reason while Nagarjuna is nihilistic. Jain tradition is built on the multidimensional reality and relativity (anekantvad and syadwad).
There are a multitude of techniques for meditation. Each of them can be a strategy for hypnotherapy a particular client with a certain disposition and disorder. The approach is comparible to eclectic approach of Carl Roger and Ken Wilber. Successful Hypnotherapy means a definitive paradigm cognitive shift, with a certain change in behavior. Milton Erickson, executed the master craft through a variegated combination of indirect hypnosis, subtle metaphors and client-centered, culturally conditioned symbols. The Hindu, Buddhist and Jain Tantras (the word translate as techniques) provide several strategies for self-transformation as well as restoration to health for a client/ patient to normal health.
There will be demonstrations of Strategies/techniques and Hands on practice of atleast 2 therapeutic sessions; each of about 100 minutes. Each session will have minimum one or more volunteers/ patients with any affliction. We shall demonstrate a couple of techniques from Buddhist and Jain Tantras. Techniques derived from Patanjali will be shared for self development and creativity enhancement.
Ambience in the room will be ample space (about 100 sq ft/ participant; if hall is inadequate, outdoors may be tried with temperature around 20^ C). Volunteers / patients are needed.
Date : august, 26th
Schedule : 9:00-17:30
Place : Congress Center, Porte Maillot