Chantal Wood (France)
With Isabelle Ignace (France)
Hypnosis with children and teenagers
The child and the teenager present very often chronic pains, somatic problems (Approximately 20 % of the population) and can more easily make the learning of the hypnosis and set up a change.
You will learn during this workshop :
- The use of the hypnosis in acute pain, and the necessity of a permanent link for chronic pain
- Several techniques easy to realize
- The implementation of the learningof the auto-hypnosis
- The failures and how to bounce the use of the hypnosis in a psychotherapeutic purpose and how to approach the resistant teenager
This workshop will contain a theoretical part and practical exercises.
In the term of this workshop, the participants should :
- Better know the child and know how to approach him according to his development
- Better approach situations of acute or chronic pain
- Be more effective in the therapeutic care
Documents will be given to the participants.
Date : august, 26th
Schedule : 9:00-17:30
Place : Congress Center, Porte Maillot